
This is me, just the way I am. There will probably be some ranting and ravings at some point. I probably give too much personal information for the average persons taste. Most people tell me I'm weird. I think that I'm normal and everyone else is weird! I guess you can be the judge of that. Although, even if you think I'm weird .... I don't care ... I think you're on crack!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

My Thoughts on Gum

I was just chewing some gum. And I know you are probably thinking....'why do I need to know this??". I don't care...if you are reading my blog, then you probably know I say whatever I feel like no matter how dumb or weird it may seem.

I was just chewing some Dentyne Peppermint Ice. Not the chiclet type but the regular stick gum. I am addicted to gum. If I don't have any available at my disposal, I go a bit nutty. I guess you could say I'm a gum connoisseur. The gum was way too soft. Gum should have some chew to it. It's made to make your jaw work. I don't mean bubblegum kind of work...but I don't want to feel like I have some funky jello in my mouth. I know that's a bad example but that's the first thing that came to mind.

Anyways...if a company is making gum...they should make sure to put enough gum base in it!

That's my thought for the day.


My sister tagged me to do this thing. I'd tag someone...but everyone else I know has been tagged. (I guess I don't know too many blog people) So here it goes:

Four jobs I've had:
1)Telemarketer (I only lasted one was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
3)Jewelry store (The boss was a sissy, I've got bigger balls then that twit)
4)Travel Agent (I've done corporate, groups and leisure)

Four Movies I could watch over & over:
I'm only allowed 4 though...even though I can think of some other ones. For people who don't just like the typical Hollywood should check out 'Dear Frankie'. It's about the love a mother has for her child and what she will do to protect them. I thought it was a beautiful story, but I like European movies.
1) Transporter
2) Ever After
3) 50 First Dates
4) Der Kreiger Und Die Kaiserin (The Princess & the Warrior)

Four Places I've lived:
My response to this is...just 4????

1)Canmore, Alberta
2)Calgary, Alberta
3)Brighton, Ontario
4)Brockville, Ontario

Four TV shows I love or have to watch:

1)CSI (the Las Vegas one)

Four places I've been on Vacation:

3)St. Lucia
4)Fort Frances (holy mosquitoes batman!!!!!!)

Four of my favorite foods:

1)Chocolate ( I think this should be a separate food group)
2)Eggplant Parmigana
3)Haggis...just kidding(I don't eat red meat)
3)Cambodian/Thai red & green curry
4)Authentic Italian Pizza
4 1/2) Gelato ...does that count??

Four places I'd rather be right now:

1)Is it a windy day in the highlands?? If so, I'd say the Scottish Highlands
2)Relaxing by the pool in Mexico or Cuba with a Pina Colada in my hand
4)At home lazing around. (but I know that wouldn't happen...I'd probably end up cleaning.)
Since number 4 is so highly unlikely ...
5) the indoor water park learning to surf.

Four sites I visit daily:

1) (Kim's blog)
2) (Kim & Bills ..all about marriage blog)
3)itv coronation (That's the only soap I watch..but Canada is months behind..I need updates)
4)News sites Canoe/CBS/BBC

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My Brother-in-law

My brother-in-laws name is Bill. He's an okay guy...I guess. ;) Talking about a car made me think of a certain situation. For my sister's birthday 2 years ago...he got to play the hero. My parents went out to Alberta for a vacation, and lent me their car. Not thinking about living in 'heights', I went to sleep the night before and had a nice, restful sleep. When I got up, I got together all the things for my sister's birthday party. The decorations, plates/napkins, games, snacks, etc. I was very excited, I couldn't wait to see my sister on her big 30th birthday! Keri was almost ready, so I started to take things down to the car. I went out to our parking spot, and there was a nice silver Tiburon. That sounds nice...but my parents own a black neon. I thought maybe I was on crack and had parked somewhere else. So I walked around the parking lot...once...twice...three times. WHERE'S THE CAR?????!!!!!!!!!!!! THE TIBURON ATE MY PARENTS' CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ran upstairs and grabbed Keri. "Keri, where did I park the car"? So she came down with was official. That bloody Tiburon ate my parents car!! I was hysterical. I started balling. "what am i going to do??? My parents left me their car and it got stolen"! some more crying. I had to call the police. They probably thought someone had just got whacked with the way I was crying. But I couldn't finalize the report without my parents...they needed information from them because they are the actual car owners. So I called my sister...I was so upset about missing her birthday, I had been looking forward to going for months! So after my sister, I had to call my parents and let them know. I couldn't rent a car, there was nothing I didn't have the extra cash to burn. Plus my drivers licence was in the stolen vehicle. Kim called me back. (Kim is my sister) She said, that Bill had just left to pick me up. That he didn't want me to have to miss my sister's birthday. I think he also wanted to score some of those 'brownie' points that I always hear guys talking about. That was so incredibly sweet of him. Their house is almost 1 1/2 hours away, per direction. He drove all that way. What a sweetie. And on our way to their house he gave us a narrated drive through part of the rocky and beautiful Canadian shield. That almost made up for the time when we first met and he farted at me. I'll never forget that! It was in the middle of the women's section in the Zellers of Belleville Quinte Mall. I'm glad it wasn't smelly. (See...I have a good memory!)
He's been like a real brother ever since.

I don't always say it...but I really appreciate having such a cool brother-in-law. (Except for when he blames the cucumber peelings in the sink on me.)

Come to think about it ... my parents have never lent me their car again since then. Gee, I wonder why?


Why is it that the people who need loans, don't qualify for them?? At a maximum you can take a loan out for 35% of your annual income. But when your income is bupkis, then there really isn't a point of a loan. For example if you only make 25,000/year then you can take out a loan to a maximum of $8,750. I called my bank hoping to consolidate my credit cards and get some money to buy a used vehicle. Needless to say, I didn't qualify. Being low income...REALLY SUCKS!!!! I can handle living in the 'hood'. But I'm 29 1/2 and I still don't have a car. AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I know my family doesn't mind, but I do. They are really sweet and if there is a family gathering then they'll pick me up. (My parents are the closest at 45 minutes away) It just makes me feel like a kid. I want to feel like an adult....minus the 'acting mature' thing. My sister thinks that maybe I'll be able to get a car next year...I think..I probably still won't be talented enough to pull money out of my arse. I wanted to check out the loan because my investment person at the bank called me. During the conversation we somehow came upon the subject of home ownership. There is this deal with Scotiabank where you only have to have 1.5% of the closing costs for a house and loan the rest to you. I was all excited about that. Then I realized that .... if I can't get a loan for car/debt consolidation then there is NO way that I'll be able to get a mortgage. Oh well. Maybe I'll own a car before I'm 40. Or maybe I should just go rob a bank. (kidding) I read on one of the news websites that the average Canadian goes through $100, every 2-3 days. Holy crap! What do they do for a living? Is it legit? I think I got into the wrong business. Starting up my own money counterfeiting business sounds like a great idea! Does anyone know where I can get the equipment?

Monday, January 16, 2006

SIlly Putty

I bought some silly putty for my best friend for Christmas. It's a rule that your stocking has to have at least 1 fun thing in it. But this wasn't just any silly putty. This silly putty turns a different color with heat activation. It's pretty cool. So I was at the computer last night, playing with the silly putty. Which isn't very easy to change colors when you are cold to begin with. (It was -25 yesterday with windchill .... ouch!) Kiya (my little girl chihuahua) licked the silly putty. Then she seemed to ponder for half a second before she tried licking it again and again and again. So it got me to thinking...does it have a pleasant scent? I took a whiff of it ... it doesn't smell like anything. So I licked it. Just a little lick. It doesn't taste like anything. I'm beginning to think my dog is on crack. My sister would probably agree. Have you ever known another dog who goes absolutely insane about brussel sprouts in butter sauce? Kiya is about as crazy over those brussel sprouts as a woman would be about chocolate if she hadn't had any in 6 months! She loves the vegetables. You can't convince Anubis to eat vegetables. If I try to give him a vegetable he looks at me as if I'm trying to poison him. Weird dogs! Cute, but weird.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Don't you find it amazing just how many tears can be shed by one person? They can come when you are happy, sad, lonely, angry, physically hurt. I suprise myself that I haven't run out of tears yet. One of my best friends died over 5 years ago. The pain is still so fresh so many years later. I find my eyes watering right now, while thinking about him. When D went missing, it felt like someone punched right through my skin grabbed my beating heart and ripped it out of my chest. He's the only man I've ever let in. He saw right through all that crap that I show the world. He looked at me and saw the real me. He made me feel safe, loved and adored. I could tell him anything, without feeling stupid. That was one of the hardest things about losing him. I started crying and I couldn't stop. For the whole first year I cried myself to sleep every night. I don't think I can call it crying. I've never cried so hard, I suppose it was more like wailing. There was only one person who could make it better. But he was the one person who wasn't there. I remember that the only thing I wanted was to feel his arms around me telling me that everything would be ok. There were nights that I had dreams that were so real, that when I woke up the morning it took a while for reality to set in. Then it was like losing him all over again. For 3 years after D disappeared, I always kept my eyes open. I expected him to walk through that door. Hoping and praying. After 5 years, I have no choice but to come to terms with the fact that he is dead. I still have fantasies where he just has amnesia and he's actually out there somewhere, safe and sound. I know it's probably childish, but frankly, I don't care. The little girl in me feels broken, bruised, alone and very dead inside. I still wonder...what if?? What if, I had moved to Italy with him? What if..I had been able to keep him safe. What if...? What if...? What if....? The scariest what if, is what if I can never feel again? I guess my memories and the 'what ifs' are all I have left.

No I'm not PMSing

Due to a lack of funds, it's a rare occasion that my best friend and I get to go out. So today after church we went to see a movie and then treated ourselves to a sit down lunch. We went to Copper Penny, which is one of our favorite restaurants. We went to see 'Tristan & Isolde'. Set in the time before Britain was a united Nation. I guess this is what guys call a chick flick. I thought it was good movie, despite the ending. If a movie doesn't end the way I want it too...then that usually ruins it for me. Like in 'Braveheart', I was hoping for a happy ending even if in reality the story has a sad ending. So I've never watched the whole thing again. I refuse to watch the ending where he dies. My friend Tim, who is from Scotland, says the movie portrays him in a good light. Tim didn't like that, he said that William Wallace killed as the English did, without thought as to whether it was man, woman or child. I find other peoples opinions interesting, but that is a moo point for this blog. (Yes, I know it's 'moot', but ever since I saw the episode of friends where Joey calls it a moo point...I kinda liked that and it stuck) The movie I just watched was a movie with romance and a bit of action. It got me thinking about myself. I'm sure as it is with most people, I don't like people to know the real me. (Ask my best friend!) I've spent years putting up walls, and I have no intention of ever letting anyone else in. (Without a HUGE fight) A person has to have defenses, it's self preservation. I pretend to be this tough girl, but I'm not. I pretend I think of men just as pieces of meat to be looked at and drooled over. I mean, yes, some men are beautiful and deserve to be drooled after, but just a beautiful face is just that. Just a face. I confuse myself, I don't know how someone can understand me when I can't even understand myself. I love romance movies and romance books, I am a complete romantic. Maybe that's why those movies/books make me so sad. Because it just comes from someones imagination. Things like that don't really happen in real life. In the fantasy world, people are kind, loving, romantic, thin, beautiful and strong. Have you ever heard of a romance between a 300 pound hag with a wart on her nose? yeah, me neither. Unfortunately, I'm a realist. I don't believe in fairy tales, they're just stories. This is the real world, fairy tails don't exist. Sometimes you meet someone who makes you believe in fairytales. But they never last. There is no such thing as happy ever after. There is just happy for now. Love always ends. Maybe he'll leave you for another woman, maybe he'll just tire of you and if you're one of the lucky ones ... maybe he'll die on you. The last one is the hardest. How can you hate someone for dying?? I sure can't. I guess it's time to play some video games and wait for the blessed numbess to set in again.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My dream to do list

I'm sure everyone has a dream list for places they would like to visit. But I won't be writing that, because as a travel agent...there are just too many places that I want to travel too! Before I got into the industry, my 2 dream places were to go to Italy and Egypt. I've been to Italy so I guess that leaves Egypt for my old, old dream trip list. Here is my current 'to do' list.

1) swim with dolphins in a natural habitat. I don't want to swim in one of those cheesy parks in the Caribbean where they house dolphins that were caught in a way with no regard to the animals. I don't think most people realize the cruelty used when catchy those beautiful animals. Many dolphins are killed, and treated with disregard and disrespect either in those parks or while trying to capture them.

2) Camel racing in Morrocco. It just looks like fun!

3) A hot air balloon ride. (the ultimate way would be a balloon ride over the french countryside)

4) Pay off my bloody credit cards!

5) Move out of the Kingston Hood

6) Take some pottery lessons

7) Yoga classes (but not the ones where they want me meditate)

8) Learn to fence ... but with big swords not the sissy ones.

9) Improve my aim with a gun. (I tried some target practice when I was a teenager...but I only managed to hit dirt with the .22 and then I took a clearing out of the forest with a 12-gauge. I just want to be able to say I actually hit the target. I don't want to kill anything. ( I even have a problem killing a spider.

10) Take some proper latin dance lessons.

11) Get a car

12) Kiss a Scotsman (preferably Gerry Butler...but I know this won't happen)

13) Go on an excavation. Like in Drumheller they have something where you can go on a dig and look for dinosaur bones. Or even better would be to help at an Egyptian excavation. That would be really cool!

14) Learn to play a song on the guitar .... not just a couple bars from a Nirvana song. Guns N Roses 'Estranged' would be a great song to learn.

15) get a tattoo with a special meaning.

16) Lose some weight...only keep it off this time.

17) Join the local YMCA. (But without the car ... this is an hour bus ride from my house, which means a major pain in the buttocks)

18) Take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and manage to kick somebodys butt

19) Go on a missionary trip, somewhere where I can help by feeding them or comforting the hurt or helping to build shelters for them. I think this one would be very awesome!!

20) Fall in love (not counting on it)

21) Have/raise a child (probably need a home in order to be considered stable enough to adopt)

22) Improve my painting/drawing skills

23) Go for an elephant ride. But not the type at a circus or zoo. How about an elephant in Thailand?? That sounds good.

24) Learn to surf. But I haven't figured a way to do this with no chance of drowning or getting eaten by a shark, unless I go to Kyoto. Kyoto has this have this huge indoor water park where they have perfect waves in there and have professional surfers that are instructors.

25) Skydiving ... but then when I actually think about doing this, my palms start to sweat. I hate heights. Then there is also the splat factor. What if my parachut doesn't deploy????????

26) I'm also torn about bungee jumping. It looks fun, if it's done over water. But then I've had a neck injury ... so I don't want to damage my neck again.

27) Learn to scuba dive. But it's hard to find someone who will take you on when you have matter how minor it is.

28) Parasailing, this looks super cool!

29) Learn how to pick a lock. You never know when you will lock yourself out of your house. Plus I think knowing something naughty will make me a happy camper.

30) Learn how to hot wire a car. Again this is a sexy thing. When a hot man knows how to hot wire a car??? Mmmm, yummy. Totally hot, unless of course he is actually going to steal the car... then that would just make him a thief. It's just another piece of naughty knowledge I want to know.

I could think of lots more....but today's log is big enough!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Still At Work

Do you know how people can get grouchy?? Yes, exactly like me at the moment. So now is a great time to write down some of my pet peeves/annoyances.

1) Cleaning up other peoples messes/mistakes (especially ones at work)

2) People who walk the pace of a snail...actually probably slower than a snail, I see elderly people on their death bed walk faster then those slow pokes. You know who I'm talking about...those people in the grocery store or mall or wherevever that walk and/or stand in the middle of the aisles so that you can't get by. I just want to take a flying body check and knock them out of the way.

3) People who are in a hurry. Sometimes I want to take my time in the mall, or stores. (but I stand to the side so I don't block 'traffic')

Yes, I know you can't win with me.

4) Ma & Pa Kettle, who drive 20km when the speed limit is 50km. It's ok Mr. & Mrs. Kettle, chances are that someone won't run infront of your car and you won't smuck them. So speed up. DO THE FLAMING SPEED LIMIT!!!!!! It's ok to even go a little over the speed limit. 10km/hr is the standard within the city... on the highway, 18-20km over the speed limit is acceptable. (just don't get caught)

5) People who are stupid drivers. If both lanes of the highway are taken up...don't drive 160km when you can tell the person in front of you is only going 120. You'll just have to brake...DUH! Morons. And anyways... the speed limit is 100km, so in all actuality that person in front of you is speeding anyways. If you want to drive crazy... go to Quebec, they drive like maniacs.

6) People who don't wash their hands after going to the loo. When you are in the public bathroom and you hear someone taking a dump then you hear them leaving without washing their hands?? .....that's soooo gross!!! WASH YOUR HANDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!! It's really not all that difficult, get some soap, then rub your hands together with water...which makes suds...rinse...dry your hands and voila, you're done! See, it's not the hard!

7) This is disgusting....if someone takes a dump ... flush the bloody toilet! There isn't much worse than going into a stall and finding a nice big suprise in the john for you. It's gross and smelly. Has anyone heard of a courtesy flush?? So there should be no reason why you can't flush after yourself. ...unless you lack hands, arms and legs.

8) People trying to tell me what to do or how I should be behaving.

9) Someone trying to force their beliefs down my throat. (This does not include arguments where we are sharing our opinions...Keri)

10) Periods. You get extra tired, crave chocolate, have a stomach like the bottomless pit, cramp so bad I want to cut open by abdomen so I can rip out my uterus. And gas that is bad enough to peel paint from the walls. Plus the worrying about 'did I go through'? How embarrasing to bleed through your clothes.

11) Men that are afraid to buy sanitary napkins or tampons. I don't understand the logic behind it. Do you honestly think that the cashier thinks that they are for you??????

12) People who make fun of others. Especially when someone makes fun of a mentally or physically challenged person. It makes me see red.

13) Men who think that because you aren't a size 2, it means that you are an easy lay. Hey buddy, if you want a cheap, easy date....they have females called prostitutes. Obviously if you are lacking the morals enough to want to laid on the 1st date...I'm sure you don't have a problem paying for sex. It's a lot cheaper than paying for our dinner and a movie and that way you are sure to get what you wanted all along!

I could think of many, many more ... but I better get back to work.

Today At Work

I would just like to say...
AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

5 Weird Things About Me

My sister 'tagged' me. Which in her mind means that I have to writed 5 weird things about myself. I don't think I'm so weird...but people who know me think I am. So I'll try to put some oddball things about me.

1) If there is a room full of 100 men, and only 1 is Italian ... I'll be able to find him. I think it's radar. But maybe it's because Italian men exude sexuality. I usually gravitate to the men who exude sexuality...maybe it's subconcious, that's the only thing I can think of. Oh yeah, and they have to be from Italy... not the ones who have been North Americanized.

2) When I eat a submarine, I make my fingers into a little steeple so that all of my finger tips are touching each other in a downward 'V' shape. I never noticed this until my best friend pointed it out. I try not to do this anymore...but it's another subconscious thing. When I see my friend laughing I look down and my fingers are steepled. (she gets a glare)

3) I think before I speak, actually it's more like....'did I say that out loud'???? Does that count? Like the time I was in Ottawa with Keri, and there was this guy who was being an idiot and calling for the cops because someone was being mean. So, I thought I was making fun of that guy in my head. Going on about how he wanted to be bent over, and frisked and handcuffed. We were at the crosswalk, waiting for the walk sign. Then I happened to look up and see that the other people at the crosswalk were laughing. Then I look at Keri...." did I say that outloud???" She just started to laugh. I do that all the time. Although, I'm really working on trying not to mouth off at Hell's Angels anymore. My family thinks that I'll get myself killed someday... as a result of my mouth.

4) When I blip/burp/belch or pass some other type of gas...I always say excuse me. (believe it or not girls do that! I'm talking about passing gas, not saying excuse me) Even if I am alone and I'm half asleep...I'll still murmur...scuse me. My mama taught me manners, yes she did!

5) I'm a curious little chit. If there are buttons or levers or unexplained doors...etc, I want to play and explore. When I pass a parking thingamajiggy, I press the button for a ticket to come out. In the hotel...I try the non-hotel room doors. In Jamaica, I found an unlocked door for piping that went down the 13 floors. (creepy if you have kids.) It's like I want to do all those little things that I'm not supposed to do. Like on the bus this one time...this kid in front of me had on this toque with a big dangling pom-pom. I just wanted to honk the pom-pom. So I kept sneaking my hand up to his pom-pom and went honk-honk. ( I got to do that a couple of times.) Keri just shook her head at me...she tried to smack my hand away, but I was too quick for her.. ha ha ha. Actually I think it was because she was afraid that if she hit me...I would end up smacking the kid in the head. I never got caught. (hee hee)

6) Whenever I go to a hotel...I have to jump on the bed. Not with my butt...but actually get on the bed jumping up and down laughing and going wheeeeeee...heee heee heee. Yes, I am a big kid.

I'm sure people who know could think of more...but frankly, my brain is mush right now.

I could eat him for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack time, etc!

Ok, so I watched Phantom of the Opera movie on Saturday night. It was done very similar to the stage production, but that could be because Andrew Lloydd Webber was the producer. Mr. Webber is not the one I'm hot over! I just have to say that Christine made a huge, HUGE, HUGE mistake!! I mean..she picked a sissy, prissy, he-she ...Raoul instead of the Phantom! Idiot. HULLO????? What about the Phantom, never mind that he's crazy about you and wouldn't cheat on you like that wanker Raoul. Have you seen the Phantom??? First of all, he reeks of sensuality & gives off a huge sexual aura! Second, even with only 3/4 of a face...he's still WAY, WAY, WAY hotter than Raoul. Third, I'm sure the Phantom is all in excellent working order ;) I can think of a lot worse ways to spend my days! ;) ;) ;)
By the way, the actor is Gerard Butler. That movie (more like actor) got me so hot that I tore apart my apartment just looking for the movie 'Timeline'. I just about had a little spaz attack when I couldn't find it. So on Sunday..I tore apart the apartment for a second time still trying to find 'Timeline'. Still couldn't find it. My best friend appeased me by putting on Phantom again. (Like she minded...we both had puddles of drool on our laps after watching that man!) So I went into work on Monday (my day off btw) And I'm very glad I did. I walked up to the music store, and lo and behold they had 'Timeline'. Needless to say...I bought that. So the rest of my day off (along with my best friend) was spent watching 'Timeline' ... twice and playing video games. This morning after my shower I start walking toward the living room...Guess what I hear?? Keri was watching 'Timeline' little sneak. I made her rewind...she didn't miss much anyways...she was only watching parts with him in it anyways. Guess what I'll watch tonight?? Oh are so smart!!! That's right....Phantom or Timeline. I have to say that a Scottish burr is the sexiest accent in the world. And that says a lot coming from a woman who loves the Italians. I'm so glad it's not illegal to be that hot. I think my next trip should be to Scotland. Maybe I should start praying for some windy days in the highlands when I'm there. Yes, I know I am a dirty minded girl, actually, I wouldn't say dirty minded...more like deprived. But hey, we can't all be perfect.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My New 'Heroin'

For New Years, my sister & brother-in-law came down to spend it with me and my best friend. We get Chinese food, play games, drink pina coladas, eat snacks....just have fun. For Christmas, Kim & Bill bought me a game cube. Needless to say, we all were playing on the gamecube. They brought down the video game that I bought them for Christmas, which is Mario Kart Double Dash (or something like that) I had no idea just how addictive that game is! Yesterday, I begged my sister to take me out to buy that video game. Beware, Mario Kart is like heroin.....VERY ADDICTIVE!! I think it should come with a warning label on it. Something like...'warning, this game is so addictive you will consider calling in sick so that you can stay home and play this game all day!' I did make it to work today though. Although, I really want to be home playing Mario. Like I said Mario = Heroin. Kim & I went to Mario (but we did get some Christmas items on sale) Then to Mario. Since Zellers was at the mall we went to see the EB Games there...EB Games is no longer in the mall aparently. I was ready to cry and scream and throw a temper tantrum. I wanted to scream...I NEED MARIO! So we got sidetracked at the Carleton Cards. We bought some Christmas Decorations. (this past year they had a Chipmunks dec where they sing a Christmas song...I bought one of those) Then we decided to go to the new EB Games, with the thought that if that didn't work we would go to 'Best Buy'. When we walked into EB Games I made a beeline for the back wall where I knew the gamecube games were. I found one!!!!! I felt like doing a happy dance while I hugged the game to me. I clutched that game like my life depended on one was going to grab that puppy out of my hand!! I found heroin.

Keri & I always have a blast when Kim & Bill visit. I'm very glad that I can also call my sister & brother-in-law not only family, but my friends. (that's all the mush for today) I just wish we could get together more often. So New Years was fun!