
This is me, just the way I am. There will probably be some ranting and ravings at some point. I probably give too much personal information for the average persons taste. Most people tell me I'm weird. I think that I'm normal and everyone else is weird! I guess you can be the judge of that. Although, even if you think I'm weird .... I don't care ... I think you're on crack!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Meet my Wonderful Sister

Let me introduce my sister, Kim. Sorry Gentlemen...she's a married woman. Quite the hottie isn't she?? I think she should frame this picture. My sister is an amazing woman. (Even when I want to strangle her) I am a very lucky girl to have her as a sister! I feel privledged to not only call her my sister, but one of my best friends. She's my mother hen, my confidante, my games weekend partner, she gets my sense of humour ... which is a miracle in itself. I just wanted to let the blogging world know how much I love my sister. I could not imagine not growing up with her. No matter what happens in life, I know I can count on her and she can always count on me.

Love ya sis!

.... thanks for not strangling me as a teenager!

Bull Fighting

A client came in to pick up his ticket on Friday. While he was here, he was telling me some things he did on the last trip I booked for him. He went to a bull-fight. I have no problem with Bloodless bull fighting, because the animal is not harmed. I do however have a huge problem with the regular style of bull fighting. My client was telling me how they couldn't figure out how they made the bull so mad before he came charging out into the arena. Then they looked down into the holding area .... They stabbed the bull before he even went into the arena. I'd like to know what kind of sick people go to these fights???? People had brought their children! They left after the first fight because it was too violent. Helloooo???? Get a brain!! The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. People pay money to see a living, breathing, feeling being get tortured and have a slow and painful death. That is sickening!!! I thought people are supposed to learn from history. Does anyone remember the Romans? Remember the coliseum? They had animal killings, animals raping adults & children, people killing people, etc .... all in the name of entertainment. The human race is very cruel. It's sad and very true. Can someone tell me what kind of person receives pleasure and entertainment out of cruelty? I can only think of sick and seriously demented people. Just like hunting for "fun". I understand hunting for food. But killing something because it's fun? But I guess that's another blog.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I KILLED KAKISTOS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

As my brother-in-law would say ...... WOOOOOOOOOT!

I finally killed the bugger in GameCubes Buffy ....... better known as Kakistos.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tagged by a meme (whatever that is..who made up that word?)

I've been tagged by Nothing Heavy...

*Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot*

1. snickerdoodles
2. The Movie Monkey
3. Paisley Propaganda
4. Nothing Heavy
5. Balshy Brooklyn

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Holy crap, I can't remember what I was doing 5 years ago! So, to the best of my knowledge I would have been living in Canmore, Alberta. I was working at the local IGA and still living with my parents. Or maybe I was living in Ottawa with my sister and her fiancee and was about to move to Canmore. It was one or the other, either way...Canmore was involved.

What were you doing one year ago?

One year ago, I was lucky enought to have recently started my new job at a new Travel Agency. (my new boss is awesome!) I was still living in the hell hole that is also known as my apartment building. Still living with my best friend in the Kingston Hood. I was dreaming about buying a car and a home. So pretty much...absolutely nothing has changed.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. nachos with cajun chicken, olives, green onions, cheese along with my homemade salsa fresca
2. chocolate...mmmmmmm precious chocolate
3. berries
4. cherrios snack mix
5. popcorn with flavorings (dill pickle is my favorite)

Five songs you know all the words to:
1. He's a Whore - Cheap Trick
2. L'il Devil - The Cult
3. Faith - George Michael
4. Hot Love - Cheap Trick
5. HighRoller - Cheap Trick
( Gee ... do you think I'm a Cheap Trick fan???)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
(I'll pretend I'm a multimillionaire)
1. Get out of debt, and pay off my best friends debt and my parents debt and sister's debt
2. Buy a house for myself, best friend & parents
3. Quit my job and travel extensively
4. Adopt some children
5. Do some missionary work...go to refugee camps and help out or something similar
6. Buy myself a husband?

Five bad habits:
picking my nose...just kidding.
1. burping at work. (but in my defense, my boss does it too)
2. Speaking without thinking
3. procrastination
4. eating junk food
5. watching too much tv.

Five things you enjoy doing:
1. Throwing glass in the glass recycle bins. (ahhhhh, the sound of smashing glass)
2. Going to the movies
3. Playing games (board games, video games, etc.)
4. Playing catch with my best friend, while trying not to get whacked in the head with the ball!
5. Cuddling with my puppies

Five things you would never wear:
1. chastity belt
2. Pink
3. a tuxedo
4. thong bikini
5. socks with sandals .... that's just way too tacky

Five favorite toys(/games):
hmmmmm (I'll try to be polite)
1. Game cube
2. Pit (It's loud...just like me :P )
3. Mad Gab .....don peeeeeeek ur nohhhse
4. Clue
5. I also have a gun that blows bubbles with smoke in them. ( I haven't used it yet..but it sure sounds like fun!)

The Cold, Hard, Scarey Truth About Me

I can't believe I'm writing this. But this blog is supposed to be all about me. So I'll tell you something that only...and I mean ONLY, my best friend knows. I am 29 (soon to be the big 3-oh) 5 ft 4 inches tall .... and no, that's not the secret. I currently weigh 235 pound. Holy crap, I can't I believe I'm admitting it! I also can't believe that I'm that fat! Yes, I let it happen and I only have myself to blame. So I made a vow to myself....this is the year that I am going to put my health and losing the weight as my top priority. Of course, I also say this only 3 days in. Ok, fine...2 days of eating healthy and 3 days of exercise. I have made many attempts at losing the weight. Only one was successful...but then the drinking & partying of a youth ... then the death of one of my best friends ... well let's just say I gained everything I lost and then some!!! That's no excuse. I'm not going to make any excuses anymore. I hate myself, I hate looking in the mirror and seeing what I've become. I avoid seeing my reflection in a window...I really hate how I look. I detest having my picture taken...I guess that's why I usually make funny faces. I'd rather have people laugh with/at me because I look like a goof, rather than look at me and the first thing they think is ..'look how fat she is'. Anyways, I'm sick of hearing myself whine about how fat & ugly I am. So it's time I get off my duff and do something about it. You may wonder why in the world am I writing this where anyone can see it??? I'm not quite sure myself, but I'm hoping that this will help me to be more accountable. I'm getting up at 5:30am to do aerobics and I'm following the weight watchers program (by myself, not at their meetings) and writing down what I eat in a journal. The journal I'm hoping will help me with..if I'm afraid to write it down...maybe I shouldn't eat it. Darn! I guess that leaves out finishing off a box of turtles. (just kidding...I've never done this....I thought about it, but I didn't do it!) I WILL do this, even if it takes a couple of years. So I will be posting some updates about my progress or lack of it. I am going to make myself accountable to whole 3 fans! :P

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Am I weird?

Is it just me or does everybody get unbelievably horny at the most inappropriate times? At work ... church ... family gatherings ...

Aww, who am I kidding? I'm just a walking, talking, always tingly weirdo!

My newest addiction

My best friend can tell you that I do NOT know how to relax. There is always something to do. Clean the house, do laundry, organize paperwork, etc. I can always manage to find something that needs to be done. Keri is always after me to relax. I usually do that maybe once every few months. So this past weekend I took her advice. My sister let me borrow her "buffy" video game for the gamecube. I actually borrowed that a month ago but just managed to play it this past Monday. I had company up on Sunday. My brother-in-laws birthday. We had fun playing some games. Including mad gab. dohn peeek ur nohse. That one was funny...Bill couldn't figure out why we were laughing so hard. Then of course we all played some Mario Kart. I actually managed to hold my own. I GOT 1ST PLACE ! ! ! ! ! Ok, so it was once out of 15 times, but I wouldn't have pulled that off just after Christmas. At Christmas I went nuts when I managed to not come in last. (which was like twice out of 20 times, I totally sucked) So this time I didn't totally bite. I need to practice a bit more so I won't be in the bottom 2 for the most part. After the family visit I was still pretty tired. So when I got up on Monday, I stayed in my jammies all day! It was my scrub day, and I played video games all day. I was such a bum, but it was great! I decided to try Buffy after a few hours of Mario Kart. I must say it was quite addictive. I played Buffy right up until bedtime. (Which might explain why I was dreaming of spiders & werewolves) I was quite upset when I went to save the game...I accidentally erased the whole game! I'm such a twit!!! So I played again on Tuesday and made up and then some on that game I erased. Woohoo!! I can't wait to go home and play more Buffy. Man, these video games are quite addictive. I'm beginning to be one of those game geeks! :)

Work crap.

First of all, I hate writing. I guess I'm kind of lazy. But my sister is reminding me (or nagging, depending how you look at it) to write a blog because I haven't written in a month. I'm just plain exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for a week straight. Work will get a bit easier as of this Friday. The 2 big groups I have will be travelling this Friday. I pray nothing else will go wrong!!! Jumping into the middle of a file is not a good thing to do .... especially when the previous person is no longer with the company and has left little to no notes. So it's pretty much all guess work. It's Wednesday and I just got the last problem solved, they travel on Friday. YEAAAAHHHH!!!! People think it's a simple job...but not really. Airlines make major schedule changes on you or you have in writing that a tour is a certain date, but then the tour operator booked the wrong date and there is no availability left...etc. It's stressful because it's my butt that is on the line. People deal with me and not the tour operators or wholesalers. Which means that if anything goes wrong it's my fault .... even if it's not. Some people even get mad at me because their vacation isn't sunny the whole time. If I could control the weather, the temperature would not go below -10C here in sunny Canada. So anyways, I just got the last problem solved and I feel like I want to collapse from relief. I had to bend the truth to some travel operators/wholesalers .... but at least my clients will be happy! Because ultimately that's what matters. Ahhh, another day in the life of a travel agent. I think I need a drink.