
This is me, just the way I am. There will probably be some ranting and ravings at some point. I probably give too much personal information for the average persons taste. Most people tell me I'm weird. I think that I'm normal and everyone else is weird! I guess you can be the judge of that. Although, even if you think I'm weird .... I don't care ... I think you're on crack!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

VERY interesting Link

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bad Start to My Week

Yup, it's a whiny post. Skip if you want.

Hmmm, where to start. You know how when you have a problem that seems so big...the small things just send you over the edge?? I'm totally there.
I have a rather old car, a 1998 dodge neon with almost 270,000km. It was my parents old car. They said that if I fixed it up, then I can have it. I really needed a car, so I did. To start I put about 1500 into the car. Including brand, spanking new tires...both all season and winter tires. Then about 2 months ago, my brakes went. Not wore down..they went. Thankfully, I was in my apartment building's parking lot...trying to park. So I just ran into the wire fence. All was ok. The car was also choking and barely starting up. Everytime I slowed down, she wanted to stall. So I took it to the shop....560.00 later...I thought she would at least last me until the spring. I know she's not perfect, she burns oil and needs a new fuel filter. You may wonder why I don't get a new fuel filter?? Well, that's because the idiots at Dodge decided to put the filter in the fuel tank. So in order to replace the fuel filter, I need a new fuel module. So to fix the oil burning problem will be about 1500...and the fuel module will be close to the same amount. The car is only worth why bother to fix the bloody car!!! I went to visit my sister this weekend. Where I had a great time shopping, and just hanging out with her. We don't do it very often, so it was nice to see her. I drove into Ottawa with her, and no problems with the car. Then Sunday morning, we went to the grocery store...still no problems. That night, when I was on my way home, I didn't get 100 metres from her house before I started to have problems. I get just past Smith Falls and I had to pull over because the car was acting so badly. A woman, alone by the side of the road in the dark. I had the hood popped and tried to see if there was anything I could do. Oil was fine(just filled it up last week), the coolant was close to the add I was hoping that was it...but I knew better. No one stopped to help the female. Which was good because I didn't get murdered. I know it's weird but I was also a bit miffed, because if I had been in real trouble I know that no one would have stopped to help me. (except an axe murderer maybe..) So I filled up the coolant and tried to start her up. Nothing. The stinkin car wouldn't start!! It took me a bit to get her started, had to give her some gas. Thankfully I made it home. (1 1/2 hrs away from my sisters) I was just crying when I got into town. The car had gotten so bad that at the stop lights I had to put it into neutral and rev the car for the whole light to keep it from stalling. Needless to say, it was a chore getting to work this morning with all the shifting and revving.
I still haven't found out if I'm getting the raise I asked for. I just want to know!!!! If I'm getting the raise, then I can get a new car. If not...then I'm screwed and have to go back to taking the bus. I'm close to tears because I'm so frustrated. I've had the car since June 14th. That would be 5 months and I've spent over 2000 on a car that's worth 1500. Yes, I'm an IDIOT!!! I, in no way blame my parents. I know they feel terrible. But I just feel like such a failure and such an idiot. That $2000 in 5 months equals to $400.00/month. I was so close to paying off my debt. Now I have added another $2000 to my debt load...but now I will have nothing but 5 months of driving to show for it. If I could afford another car, then I could at least trade this one in. But's a junker...who's going to want to buy a car that is 8 yrs old and has almost 270,000km on it? I'll tell you one. I just wasted $2000. I'm an idiot. I guess you live and learn. It's a pretty damn expensive lesson!

Then I lost my gold earring this morning. I dropped it and couldn't find it. And I started my period this morning.

But I'm supposed to concentrate on the positive things.

So here they are:

1)I found my female puppy, Kiya, chewing on my earring. She found an expensive earring for me and didn't destroy it by the time I took it from her.

2)I started my period before I woke up this morning. I wasn't prepared with a liner..but I didn't leak onto my nice flannel sheets or even the new knickers I had just bought.

3)The car started this morning....

4)I'll let you know

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Your Quirk Factor: 53%
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!
How Quirky Are You?
Hmm, what do you have to say about that Kim??

It still makes me laugh

When I was working on Monday, by myself, I happened to go into the staff kitchen. I noticed a poopy smell. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what it was. There was no garbage bag in the garbage can so I assumed that maybe it was something in the kitchen sink drain. So, I poured bleach down the sink and tidied a bit, because it smelled so bad.
Out of the blue I thought....I wonder if that's what dead bodies smell like? So I remembered the mouse that I once found and freed out to the garbage room (where I thought he'd be happy)
So I looked under the microwave (his favorite hiding spot) and under the toaster...nothing. So then I looked behind the microwave stand....still nothing. I glanced into the garbage can again, and didn't see anyting. So, I just went about my business. It was possible that one of my bosses several pairs of shoes stored in the kitchen had contracted some doggy doodoo and tracked it into the kitchen. Plausible right??

Tuesday morning:
The smell was still here this morning. I'm not on crack. My boss could smell it too. She thought it was smelly too. ...just like poopy.
So I'm sitting at my desk when I hear a shriek from the kitchen. I think the worst, because I broke a glass this morning and I thought maybe Cathy was going to take out the garbage and sliced her finger open. It wasn't just one was a woman having a spaz attack in the kitchen. Then I come not running, but I was walking fairly fast.

When I arrive in the kitchen, I see my boss standing holding the garbage can far away from her while going...ew, ew,ew,ew...ewwwwwwww.....Take it, take it! So I grab the garbage can. (I'm still confused at this point...I didn't see any blood) Then she tells me what happened.

When she went into the kitchen she could smell the poopy she thought maybe there was something rotten in the garbage can. She didn't see she picked up the garbage and took a big whiff! What she didn't see, was that there was in fact a dead mouse in the garbage can. It was just so dark that you couldn't see him from far away. I just about died laughing!! I'm still laughing about it. I'm laughing right now. She took a huge whiff of dead, decaying mouse. After I dumped the mouse, I came back with the garbage can and she looks at me like I'm crazy. 'I thought you would throw out the whole thing! Including the can!"'it was only a mouse, no sense throwing out the garbage can.
her...'I'm not washing it!"
So she comes at me..or rather comes at the garbage can with windex...then pours some bleach in it...then some sunlight. She was looking for more cleaners, but I had to stop her. Man it was funny.
After filling the garbage can with some water...I came out to see my boss with a perfume sample to her nose. She was trying to get the smell out of her nostrils.
Man, I'm still laughing!!!
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah
(what I neglected to say, was that on Saturday she had put out the garbage...and didn't see the technically she can't blame me...can she?"