
This is me, just the way I am. There will probably be some ranting and ravings at some point. I probably give too much personal information for the average persons taste. Most people tell me I'm weird. I think that I'm normal and everyone else is weird! I guess you can be the judge of that. Although, even if you think I'm weird .... I don't care ... I think you're on crack!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

One of Life's Cruel Jokes

We all know some of the many cruel jokes that life plays on us. My latest pet peeve, is one of those jokes. Have you ever noticed that when you are allowed to sleep in, you wake up early. And the days when you have to be somewhere are the days you want to sleep in?? For example, I had December 24, 25, 26, 27th off. On the 24th, I woke up at 5am, the 25th I woke up at 6am, the 26th I woke up at 5:30...the 27th...I slept in until 7am. So this morning rolls alarm went off at 7am. It sure felt like it was the middle of the night. I could have slept at least another hour ... or two! but noooooooo, work was beckoning me. So tomorrow, I bet instead of sleeping in, I'll probably be bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6am. Life is very cruel. One of the most cruel jokes the sexual peak. Men reach theirs when they are 18....women when we are 30. Not quite sure what God was thinking with that one. Well, I suppose if men & women hit their sexual peaks at the same time, nothing would ever get done in this world....we'd probably all be calling in sick to work for a day of nookie.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I've been pretty sick. Ususally I get a bit sick, but I still manage to go to work. This time I got hit like a ton of bricks. I haven't felt this lousy for a couple of years. For the 1st 2 days, I could barely manage make it from my bed to the couch. So I slept mostly for the 1st 2 days. Day 3, I split it between the couch and my bed.Finally, yesterday, I felt a bit better so rested on the couch most of the day. Today I'm back at work. I'm pretty sure I look like a stoner, I have that dazed & confused look. That wasn't quite the break I had in mind. Hopefully I'm back up to my normal weird self in no time. Thankfully, between December 23rd until January 2nd I only work 2 1/2 days. So I'll have time to recoop. It will be my mini-break, too bad I'm not going away. Oh well. At least I get a break, I think I need it. I'm very much looking forward to it and to CHRISTMAS!!! (my favorite time of the year...Happy Birthday Jesus!)

That Would Have Been Embarrassing

Yes, I know I provide too much information. But to be truthful...I really don't care. So, last night I was laying in bed when the phone rang. The phone in my room for some reason is no longer working. So I was considering getting up and going to the livingroom to get the phone, but I'm glad I didn't! You see, I have a best friend....and I also sleep naked. So it is my first instinct to get up and grab the phone, without putting on a stitch. Like I said, I'm glad I was too tired/lazy/sick to get the phone. Cause my roommate rushed out of her room to get the phone. That would have been a little awkward! Me standing there buck naked with the phone in my hand?? Soooooo glad that I didn't bother trying to get up. My best friend and I are very close...but she's never seen me naked....and I like it that way. Mooning her is as far as I go!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Stupid Politicians

Don't worry this will not end up being a blog that is always about politics. For the most part I like to keep out of politics. Politicians are stupid, useless tits that are just out to screw you up the arse! They don't care about the little people...just themselves and their big fat paychecks. Anyways.......
I read this morning that some stupid Ontario politician wants to make it so that unless you have graduated highschool you won't get a drivers licence. I have graduated college but that doesn't mean I'm extra smart...just like someone who doesn't graduate from highschool, it doesn't mean that they are dumb. That is complete rubbish. They want to encourage kids to not drop out of school. Yes, for the most part, if you drop out of school there are less job oportunites for a person. But there are successful people that dropped out of highschool. Albert Einstein dropped out of highschool. How about Ed Mirvish who built Toronto's famous 'Honest Ed's'. (nice guy btw) There are many successful highschool dropouts. My mother was a highschool dropout, who worked as a successful accountant. Then she decided to go back to school and graduate...for herself, not any idiot government rule. By the way...I'm very proud of you for doing that mom!!
Just another stupid rule. Just like the gun registry..another waste of our tax dollars. It doesn't take a genius...or even a highschool graduate (smell sarcasm?) to realize that the people who register their guns are not the ones you need to worry about. It's the black market guns you stupid bunch of gits!!! Do you really think that a gang member, or a mobster, or someone who is planning on killing a spouse/partner is going to buy a gun from a reputable dealer?? Get'd have to be a complete idiot to do that!

Ok that's my rant for the day. But just one I have to vote for this upcoming election? They all suck wong!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Do I have radar or something???

For anybody who knows me....I Luuuuuuuvvvvvvvv Italian men! Ok, so you know that I was in Jamaica last week. I saw some attractive men...but not really anyone who really 'did' it for me...that is until my 2nd last night. I thought he was pretty hot, even with those bloody braids in his hair. And I don't mean the 2 on each side of his head. I mean where someone gets their whole head done in braids. I could tell that if he took those braids out he would have some messy hair...just long enough for me to grab a handful of..pull back his head and...anyways. I didn't go over and talk to him or anything...I just drooled from afar. The next afternoon I was getting my manicure/pedicure at the spa. This lovely couple came in, from Italy (no it wasn't the guy) they were getting married the next day. (I'm not sure if this is the long or short version) Anyways at the beach party I saw that Italian couple, who should be with them but the guy I had been drooling over. Leave it to me...of all the men in Jamaica that I saw...... I'm drawn to the Italian! I mean, they can't help it if they are so darn sexy! ...with just the right amount of dirty ;) My family and my best friend all think that I have Italian radar. I think that I just might agree with them.


Does anybody watch ER?? Yes Luca is a babe. That's not what I'm writing about, because Luca's hotness goes without saying. ABBY IS PREGNANT!!!!! I'm so happy...providing it's Luca's. Lucky girl gets to go baby making with Luca. Man, some girls have all the luck!


Why is it that whenever you are not allowed to do something that suddenly you need to or want to do it. For example, before I left for Jamaica 2 weekends ago...or rather my flight from Kingston to Toronto...I was totally fine. But as soon as I'm strapped in, in the plane...I get an itchy bird. Not before when I'm taking my last ditch effort to empty my bladder in the airport loo. Nope, my body had to wait until I was on an airplane full of people before my bird started to itch. And as any female can tell you....there is no polite way to scratch that itch! I tried the 'wiggle' where you shift your bottom and hope ... just hope that you have some rough skin somewhere...which you never do, but that didn't work. So I sat for almost the whole hour thinking about scratching a certain itch...mind you as soon as we landed...the itch went away. Don't think this is a one time thing. As soon as I got on the flight between Toronto and Jamaica, I was soon as we take off ...................FREAKIN ITCHY BIRD!!! And to top it butt started to itch too. Sometimes I wish I was a man. Because nobody seems to think twice when they reach down to 'adjust' themselves or scratch their arse. Plus they don't have to shave their legs or their bikini line or even their pits. Boy do men have it good! But I'm glad to be a's nice to have boobs